From the Desk of
Dr. Marianne Cintron

Dyslexia Symptoms in Children – Early Intervention and Dyslexia Induced Ulcers
Learn about what dyslexia is and how it has a genetic component. Do you know someone with dyslexia? You are not a failure if your child has it. It can be remediated!

How to Get Dyslexia Diagnosed – And About Auditory Processing
Secrets to Help Your Child with Auditory Processing with Remote Schooling Tips Can you imagine dealing with a bad phone...

Why Do I Get the P and B and D and Q Mixed Up?
The letters b, p, d, and q are confused because the brain needs to learn to identify the letter name to the letter sound. If you hold a hat upright, then turn it 90 degrees, then turn it again 90 degrees, and then again, same shape remains but it turned in different directions. But with b, p, d, and q, the brain doesn’t know necessarily if you are seeing the image upside down or not because the letter shapes could be just turned, and turned, and turned, and turned.

Six out of 10 preschoolers are not ready for kindergarten when they begin. Every home is a classroom and every parent is a teacher! Let me invite you to a 2-day webinar for 2 hours, to learn how to prepare your preschooler for Kindergarten. Email Dr. Cintron on her website or sign up on our website or Eventbrite.
Dr. Marianne
She earned a Doctorate of Education in Leadership and Administration, has a Masters Degree in General Education and a Masters Degree in Special Education. She has two current California Teaching Credentials for General Education and Mild to Moderate Special Education. She is a Thought Leader for Dyslexia, a Dyslexia Specialist, President of Step By Step Dyslexia Solutions, and an International teacher trainer. She is also an app developer and curriculum writer.